Field Day
We host a Field Day every year - this is an open day for members and members of the public to connect and learn practical beekeeping skills from experienced beekeepers. Our next field day is Sunday November 10th 2024 9.00am-3.00pm at the Tea Tree Hall, Tea Tree. engtry is a gold coin donation.
2024 Program
Lucky door prize - donated by Heritage Honey
Raffle and hamper - tickets for sale on the day
9.00am start and welcome
9.30am frame making with Paul Wigger
10.15am Hive manipulations, including;
Finding queens - Peter Norris
Practice marking queens (on drones) - Jenni McLeod
Making nucs and splits - Sam Brown
Alcohol Wash - Carson McGinty followed by a talk on Varroa detection and disease in general.
Queen grafting - James Horan and John
11.00am onwards - sausage sizzle
12.30pm Extracting - Roger Walker
1.30pm Auction
Queens 2 x Heritage Honey and more.